What platform do study groups use to meet?
We use Nooks! Nooks is a video conferencing platform that allows users to join different rooms. Unlike Zoom, you don’t have to worry about creating links for meetings. Instead, you have a community link that lets you access all the study groups at Columbia. Just enter the community link and you’re good to go!
How do I use Nooks?
For information on how to use Nooks, check out their support page here.
How do I find the Nooks room for my study group?
Use the sidebar in Nooks to navigate between departments. Each department has a certain number of rooms underneath with unique names. Choose any open room to meet with your group.
Will StudBud organize meetings after the initial one?
After your first meeting, it’s up to you and your group to continue meeting in the future! You can continue meeting on Nooks or switch over to a platform like Zoom.
Where can I find the link to the StudBud x Columbia Nooks page?
When we send out group assignment emails, you’ll receive a Nooks.in link and a time for your first meeting. If you cannot find it, please email studbud.columbia@gmail.com. To ensure only StudBud users have access to our Nooks community, we can't post the link online.
What do I do if I drop a course or change sections?
Email us at studbud.columbia@gmail.com with any information about changes to your schedule!